Fruit of the Spirit



As you navigate through your academic journey and interact with your peers, I want to encourage you to practice gentleness in your interactions. Gentleness isn’t just about being kind; it’s about showing compassion, patience, and understanding towards others, even in challenging situations. In Galatians 5:22-23, it says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” This verse highlights gentleness as one of the fruits of the Spirit, emphasizing its importance in our character development. When you approach others with gentleness, you create a positive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Remember, your words and actions have the power to uplift and inspire others, so let gentleness guide you in your interactions, both inside and outside the classroom.


Getting Started

Posing for editorial photography is more than just striking a pose; it’s about collaborating with the photographer to tell a compelling story. It involves embodying the character or concept while remaining authentic. By experimenting with angles, gestures, and expressions, subjects can bring the intended message to life, weaving a narrative through their visual portrayal. Paying attention to body language and facial expressions adds depth to the story, creating captivating images that resonate with viewers and effectively convey the desired narrative.

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What You Will Learn

Lighting Photography


Be creative!


Class Activity

Go outside and take editorial poses